Photo From Pivot Bio's Lab

Soil is Life

Soil is alive, dynamic and always changing. It is the factory of life. Millions of microorganisms — from bacteria to fungi, archaea to protozoa — form a balanced ecosystem with minerals, plant roots, insects, water, and air, building soil organic matter and carbon. As these microbes feed on organic matter and each other, they stabilize the soil, add structure and release vital nutrients to the plants above.

Over the last century, we have learned that agrochemicals disturb the natural nutrient cycle by inhibiting microbe density and diversity. Without microbes, vital tasks like suppressing pests and pathogens, holding water, balancing soil pH and nitrogen fixation are lost.

When soil degrades, nutrient cycles and beneficial microbes don’t work as they should, entrenching a cycle of nitrogen fertilizer dependency.

Our Nitrogen

Our Nitrogen

Of the millions of microorganisms in the soil, only certain microbes are capable of converting atmospheric nitrogen (N₂) to plant-available nitrogen (NH₃).

To create a more sustainable nitrogen solution, we spent more than a decade studying how microbes work in nature, ultimately developing the first nitrogen-fixing microbes for crops.

Pivot Bio Scientist Analyzes Microbes on a Computer Screen
Pivot Bio Scientist Analyzes Samples in the Lab
Pivot Bio Scientist Testing Soil
Pivot Bio Scientist Holding Petri Dish for Analysis
Our Breakthrough Innovation

We enable naturally occurring microbes to work as nature intended.

Mapping trillions of soil microbes pulled from many acres of the target crop, Pivot Bio scientists pinpoint a microbe natural to the crop’s specific microbiome with the genetic code for nitrogen fixation.
We evaluate billions of ways to edit the microbe’s own genetic code to enable its nitrogen fixation powers. We do not introduce genes from other organisms. The changes made are all done within the microbes’ own genome.
Applied at planting, this microbe naturally adheres to the root, fixing atmospheric N₂ into NH₃.
These microbes continuously fix nitrogen, providing the plant with precise, steady NH₃ throughout the growing season, regardless of weather.

We developed the first nitrogen-fixing microbes, creating a more sustainable, predictable and efficient way to nourish crops.

A Natural Process

Our purpose-built microbes are produced using fermentation — requiring only water, sugar and basic nutrients to reproduce to the necessary concentration. While traditional nitrogen fertilizers rely on a complex network of international inputs and fossil fuels, our manufacturing process requires dramatically less energy with almost no greenhouse gas emissions. And because our product is made in the U.S., farmers are assured stability in the supply chain.

An Economic Solution, Not Just Environmental

Unlike traditional fertilizers that store nitrogen in the soil, our microbes bind to the root, produce a steady supply of nitrogen, and ensure the crop receives nutrition during the season’s critical growth periods when it needs it most. There are no repeat passes and no leaching, runoff or economic loss from wasted product — just the right rate of crop nutrition, at the right time, in the right location.

We have the data to prove it. Through extensive testing and field trials, we confirmed the safety and scalability of our microbial nitrogen. We completed the broadest, single-season in-plant nitrogen study in the U.S. We measured and verified product performance, finding that our microbial nitrogen resulted in 14% more nitrogen in the plant and 12% more plant biomass compared to untreated plants.

Thanks to our breakthroughs, we are supporting healthier, more productive and resilient crops and preventing nitrogen loss to the environment, signaling a sea change in nitrogen management.

A Solution Based in Science

We have turned to nature for answers and to science for solutions. Through extensive research and field trials, we have proven a better nitrogen exists, from the soil.

Research Findings

Peer Reviewed Science

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Performance Data Reports

Review performance reports developed by Pivot Bio scientists and independent contract research organizations.

Independent & University Field Trials

See how our products performed in real-world growing conditions and under management in on-farm trials conducted by leading agricultural universities and research organizations.

Our Scientific Advisory Board

We collaborate and innovate alongside some of the world’s leading academic minds in plant sciences, microbiology and genetics through our Scientific Advisory Board.

Science Leadership

Key Milestones

Timeline of Pivot Bio Key Milestones

A More Sustainable Future

Pivot Bio’s technology meets the demand for nitrogen consistency and dependability. Unlike traditional nitrogen, our microbial nitrogen stays at the root, delivering nitrogen to crops all season long across all growing regions no matter the weather.

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A Better Nitrogen

When farmers replace a portion of their traditional nitrogen with Pivot Bio’s more predictable microbial nitrogen, they help preserve our soil, air and water for the next generation of farmers.

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